If you are looking for fun in your musical education you have come to the right place. Whether you are the relative of an eager-to-learn child who is showing an interest in music or you have dreams of playing piano yourself but "never got around to it," Marcy is the teacher for you. 

She currently has students ranging in age from 5 to 75+. Sign on for lessons and see for yourself why she has been nicknamed "The Fun Piano Teacher" by her students and their parents.

Learning...about you!

Marcy takes the time to get to know her students on a personal level. Lessons are then tailor-designed to balance the individual's needs with their wishes. Together with her students, she sets personal goals and handpicks curriculum to get them eventually playing the music they love most. This fun piano teacher has an appreciation for all styles of music, so you will instantly have something in common with your instructor. From Classical to Pop, to Jazz, Ragtime, Holiday, Movie Scores, Rock, Broadway and beyond, Marcy loves it all. Students will be exposed to all the greats and might even discover an appreciation for a genre of music they didn't think they would! 

Work or play?  Let's do both!

Learning to play an instrument is work, but Marcy does her best to make it feel more like play. There is no reason not to smile, laugh, and enjoy creativity as you plug along with the basics. As with anything that requires effort, the end result promises a great sense of pride. Piano lessons are special in that they are a gift that keeps on giving.  Each individual session results in increased dexterity, fine motor skills, cognitive development (music is math combined with art), self confidence and cheer. There is a good reason why Marcy's students voluntarily stick with lessons long-term. If you love what you are doing, it feels less like work!  Sign me up!

Teaching a love of music to beginners of all ages

Fun * Interactive *InterestingThis Is an Article.

Marcy's students look forward to their lessons. This is because she takes the traditional piano lesson to a whole new level. With a profound respect for both new and old she has invented a teaching style all her own.*Hint: There are no rulers here waiting to tap your hands in to strict positions! Lessons are provided in a casual, easy-to-learn, stress-free environment. They incorporate games, movement, multimedia, and activities along with exciting time learning at the keys. Every lesson is purposefully designed to be interesting, interactive, and above all, FUN.